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QuestQuest en Redes Sociales:

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  • Perdido en el pasado

    C/Ricard Ankerman, 46

    871 963 175

    Perdido en el pasado

    Hay una leyenda que dice que hace muchos años existía un medallón que permitía abrir cualquier puerta que llevaba al futuro o pasado. Muchos buscadores de tesoro intentaban encontrar el medallón pero no lo lograron. Hasta el día de hoy nadie sabe si es verdad o no, pero dicen que este medallón fue heredado generación tras generación en una familia que coleccionaba antigüedades durante muchos siglos y para comprobarlo tendréis que viajar al pasado y recordad que la única forma de volver será encontrar el medallón y hacerlo funcionar. Te atreves a intentarlo? Pero debes tener cuidado o te quedaras para siempre en el pasado!

    • 2 - 4 jugadores

    • 60 minutos

    • 16+

    • Nuestra calificación

      10.0 / 10

    • Impresionado

      1750 jugadores

  • Reservar

    Evgeniia Gorelikova
    Ricard Ankerman, 46, Palma de Mallorca
    [email protected]

  • Precios y descuentos
  • Comentarios
  • Fotos y videos
  • Ver el mapa
  • Reglas
  • Ganadores
    • 2 personas: 50
    • 3 personas: 55
    • 4 personas: 65


    Si no has recibido confimación de la reserva en tu correo, por favor contacta con nosotros por teléfono 871 963 175 o a través de WhatsApp 691 061 328

      • Nuestra calificación

        10.0 / 10

      • Impresionado

        1750 jugadores

    • Valoración media QuestQuest

      5.0 / 5

      3 comentarios
    • Logros y recompensas

      Highly recommended escape room! They have two rooms, both quite unique. The staff was friendly and very good at english, which is a big plus. There are lockers which you can store your stuff in while playing, and two bathrooms if you don't come prepared. We got a discount for playing two rooms in one day, also a huge plus!




      My husband and I did all three rooms and had a great time. 007: New Mission and Questlimpic Games: The CUP were our favourites. Questlimpic Games is designed for teams to play against each other; unfortunately with just two of us we couldn't physically do this, but for bigger groups I would definitely recommend it as this would have been even more fun — you can see how the other team is progressing so the tension and sense of competition would be amazing. 007: New Mission is also a really fun room with some cool technology. The service we received from the staff was also exceptional — because we were doing all three rooms, other slots were blocked offjust so we could do the rooms back to back without having to wait. I emailed a few times about the rooms beforehand and replies were always very quick and helpful. When we were at the venue everything ran on time and smoothly. All rooms are available in English and our games master spoke perfect English. The rooms were very good value compared to what we're used to in the UK and other European venues and we got a discount for doing all three rooms. We paid on arrival rather than in advance which again is very different to the UK, and it feels nice to be trusted like that! We did the rooms at QuestQuest as it was recommended on a Facebook page for UK escape room enthusiasts (who incidentally don't recommend other venues in Mallora), and they were definitely right. Thank you QuestQuest!




      Absolutely brilliant! Absolutely excellent escape room! We're did the Lost in the Past game and it was really good! Lots to do and not just a standard lock after lock, there's lots of clever little puzzles there! We did it as 2 adults a 13 and a 14 year old. Everyone had a part to play! We will be back!




    • 2025

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